Friday 3 December 2010

The beauty clock ticking away...

Social aspects are always responsible to the concept of beauty. Ever found yourself in a situation where you personally thought someone was amazing and hot , but were the only one in a group? Amazing and hot? well this is down to the your own concept of beauty. Imagine your brain like a big closet, with drawers, each drawer consists of a perception of how you feel about something or how you understand something this because overtime you have learned things. These schema's can change overtime, for example with the *hot and amazing example* it is all about the idea of what is amazing? its a broad word but so is hot overtime your mind has adapted to being able to remember attributes and spot someone with these qualities faster.

not to forget it all has to do with so many other things.. because falling in love is just another story...



Helen, whose beautiful face was said to have launched a thousand ships. She was the wife of Menelaus, the king of Sparta.

The Trojan war?
It kicked of with the abduction of Helen,This abduction of Helen caused the Trojan war, which lasted a decade.  Before her marriage to Menelaus, all the Greek kings wanted to marry her. Helen’s father (with great foresight) had each king make a promise that they would be loyal friends to whomever Helen chose to marry and that if anything should ever happen to her, they all pledged that they would assist her husband in saving her. Bound by their promise, all the Greek kings offered their armies and ships to help Menelaus and his brother Agamemnon to rescue Helen and have victory over the Trojans.

Who are the beauty idols today? well even though some of us seem to think : each one of us is a little beauty queen ( some are just drag queens) we have all come to the conclusion that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and that has never changed, society bring some forward that adapt to this image but that does not mean they are appealing to everyone. Symmetry has a lot to do with that as well, where the nose and eyes are placed and at what distance. Try it next time you find someone attractive ..think about what makes them attractive ?

p.s The painting can not really show us the true beauty of Helen, as we can't see the personality lol!

Sarah xx

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